Better Ways For Seniors Ltd. is a locally owned and operated service
for seniors in Perth, Huron and North Middlesex Counties. Our goal is to help you to
stay in your home as long as possible, by providing a variety of
non-medical and hard-to-find services.
for seniors in Perth, Huron and North Middlesex Counties. Our goal is to help you to
stay in your home as long as possible, by providing a variety of
non-medical and hard-to-find services.
We provide assistance that allows seniors to retain the quality and
activities of life which are familiar to them. Better Ways believes that
everyday tasks create a life – baking, gardening, walking the dog,
going to a bingo game, writing letters to loved ones, making minor
home repairs, getting photos printed or learning to text a grandchild.
What constitutes a good quality of living?
Whatever matters most to you or your loved one.
What does it mean to be independent? At Better Ways we are
passionate about finding the answer that best suits each individual
and family. Our private and professional service will help you, your
loved ones and your family discover what it means to continue to
enjoy life in all the ways that matter to you.
What does it mean to be independent? At Better Ways we are
passionate about finding the answer that best suits each individual
and family. Our private and professional service will help you, your
loved ones and your family discover what it means to continue to
enjoy life in all the ways that matter to you.
Around your home
Yard work, simple repairs, whatever it is, we can help keep your place looking great!
Out and About
Would you love getting out but could use a hand? Grocery shopping, gift shopping, or just some time away is as close as your phone!
Recent Posts
The Better Ways For Seniors COVID guidelines are based on the following federal and provincial websites: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/health-professionals/infection-prevention-control-covid-19-interim-guidance-home-care-settings.html http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/2019_patient_screening_guidance.pdf Service Providers will self-monitor daily, and if they exhibit any symptoms, will do the self-assessment as per the online Ontario Government assessment tool. Before entering a client’s home, Service Providers will screen the client, using the screening […]
By : don.ewert | Jan 28, 2021