Don’s decision to form Better Ways For Seniors  grew directly out of 2 recent experiences…in 2016 his mother passed away peacefully at home after having struggled for many months with the effects of congestive heart failure.   6 months before she had been in the hospital for several days; after returning home she made her wishes clear that she wanted to remain at home till her death, as she realized that repeated hospitalization would only prolong the inevitable—she had lived a wonderful long life, and her personal faith meant that she was looking forward to something even better after she passed away.  Being able to stay at home for whatever time she had left was more important than any temporary extending  of life that more stays in hospital might offer her.   With the tireless commitment of her daughter who shared her home with her, as well as a variety of in-home services, her wish came true.  The commitment of family, and access to the right services, meant that her mother could have her personal choice and dignity honoured, in the setting she loved most—her home.

The second event was leaving his position in the Veterans Care Program in London in August of 2017.  Don spent 27 years in hospital environments, many of those years working directly with seniors.  Despite witnessing caregivers providing amazing care to those seniors, what Don heard over and over again from seniors was their profound desire to have been able to live out their remaining days in their home, not in an institutional setting.  In some cases it seemed that all that had prevented that from being possible was having the right combination and amount of services in their homes.  After many conversations with seniors and their families, he became convinced that his calling was to support seniors in whatever ways he could to be able to stay in the home they loved best.

With his launching of Better Ways For Seniors, he is following that calling.  Each time he has the privilege of being in a senior’s home, he realizes anew what a gift it is to serve them.  He delights in the stories they tell, the wisdom they offer so generously, and the chance to give back to those who have given so much to others over a lifetime.  Together with his team of associate care providers, he looks forward to each new day and the opportunity to serve seniors in better ways.