Below is a sample list of some of the services we can offer you; if there are other areas of need, we will partner with you to see if we can meet that need directly, or help you find someone who can!
- Transportation
- Running errands/shopping
- Yard work, gardening, minor landscaping, installing of sidewalks and small patios
- Assistance in keeping in touch with others (eg letter writing, video calling etc.)
- Minor home repairs/minor construction
- Laundry
- Friendly companionship
- Pet companionship/care of your pet
- Daily check-in contacts
- Assistance with setting up and using technology
How are you charged for the services we provide?
In general, all the services that we provide are charged at an hourly rate
of $29.00 (a minimum of 1 hour per visit is required). If we are
providing a service that includes building materials, hardware etc., we
will simply charge you what the materials cost us to purchase, with no
At times you may ask us to provide you with transportation (eg.
Shopping, appointment etc.), or you may send us on an errand on your
behalf. For such services, we will keep track of the mileage from your
home and back to your home, and this will be charged to you at 50
cents per kilometer.
You may choose to pay us on each visit, or you can choose to be billed
monthly. If billed monthly, payment will be due within 30 days of you
receiving the invoice.
Payment may be made by cash, cheque, money order or through web
banking or telephone banking at most banks.